Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Modern day "therapists"--"counselor"
Isn't it odd what the bible says about "counsel" and "counselors,"
Now--before you scoff or jump on me--for really--the Bible isn't often brought up in consideration other than religious chest beating.
The "Holy Bible"
As it is titled
Is an astronomical force on public conciousness.--Along with the institutions claiming ownership of it--different churches.
So is the institution of psychoanalysis--now called psychology and psychiatry--yes there are many esoteric offshoots--but that joyful little institution that has wormed its way into every college and somehow gotten public acceptance--even in the courts and in interpersonal interactions and relations.
An appeal to authority and traditionalism, perhaps.
An image of benevolence to those who haven't experienced--first hand--the psychopathy, arrogance, pathology, and total totalitarianism and abuse rampant in the field--making a joke of the word "science".
The cultural effacement.
The dehumanization.
The basic misleading nature.
Psychology and Psychiatry ignore the cultural aspect of their existence--they claim to be human science beyond culture--transcending culture--even trying to explain the basis of culture.
Big fuckin flub.
For if you look around the world, people have different psychologies.
American, "western" "psychology"
seems based around "pathology"
symptoms. wanted or unwanted.
I read a good book Crazy Like Us:  The Globalization of Mental Health by Ethan Watters--that was a good starting point and validation of my frustration and my point of view.
There's other books that detail the abuses of psychology and psychiatry--and clinical psychology and psychiatry.

Taccentuate the point of such "fields" being bogus--I have an anecdotal tale.

When I was around three or four years old, the lady who's vagina I passed through--on the way from the womb--to the birthing pool set in the living room--informed me of an opportunity to make $40 and receive a lego.
Now--to put it in perspective--coins were very valuable back then.
Dimes were treasure.
Quarters were immensely valuable and surreptitiously inventoried--for fear of that sneaky fingered brat who ventured through the same womb and birthing canal as I--approximately--no exactly--723 rotations of the earth--relative to the sun's existence.
There's a thought--without something external to measure by--there wouldn't be any rotation.
the rotation would be eternal and never be achieved.
or just wouldn't be seen.
but then again the earth wouldn't exist if the sun didn't exist--but they do exist so that is an invalid statement.
I am a firm believer that what does exist must exist. For the laws of the universe--sidenout--"laws" such an overused word--
there's a number of words I have noticed are used grossly missapropriately--usually in some form of chicanery or another--briefly:  "love", "God", "guru", "prophet", "counsel"/ "counselor", "mother", "father", "sister", "Brother", "uncle", "teacher", "psychology", "psychiatry"

well--I'm going to cut it off here--enjoy!  I guess the next step in blogging is probably blogging to other bloggers--or sayin:  "check it out!"
BTW--the real meat and potatoes of this blog--of abuses and injustices
well--the emotional meat and potatoes
mental health meat and potatoes.
cauase spirit--soul--wellbeing and concience are much more
tand preferable--will have htohse people shut out permanently
Last note--I hate fuckers who don't understand shit--and get drawn into the charms of the nrcissist--the malignant narcissist--the sociopathic abusers
and treat me was an object of scorn and disdain--a sidenote--yet essential "antagonist"
in the megalomania drama of the "heroes'
exploitation bits

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